Lavender Fresh Soy Melty

Lavender Fresh Soy Melty

Unique product produced once

This melty is true to its name: Lavender Fresh. The perfect blend of calming lav...ender with vibrant silky undertones. This melty is 180 grams and melts for 96 hours.

This item is handmade and requires 3-5 working days to be ready in our store


Height : 1 (cm) Width : 8(cm) Length : 10 (cm)
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About the Seller


Carefully designed and passionately created, all of the candles from Candlit are 100% hand-poured and made of natural soy wax product. Candlit is based out of Jordan and is making people rethink the quality of a candle. Their goal is to set the standards of candles high and make other...