Yara Aburoza is a 23-year-old graphic designer. As a young girl, Yara cared for the planet and understood the responsibility that lies on her shoulders as a consumer in this world. She wanted to be more sustainable and change her daily habits. She started to search for reusable products to replace her plastic ones. She struggled to find any in Jordan, so she decided to make them herself!
Ecoers produces eco-friendly and sustainable products in modern designs at affordable prices. Products. One of the hardest challenges that Ecoers has faced is trying to make products within the budget so more people can access them. For that reason, she decided to produce them outside Jordan until she can find a sustainable and feasible production method.
The impact of Ecoers is significant; replacing plastic products with ones that are eco-friendly and biodegradable can help our environment in a big way. Spreading awareness of the dangerous impacts of our daily habits and trying to change them one sustainable product at a time is the ultimate goal of Ecoers.
Yara Aburoza is a 23-year-old graphic designer. As