“Blue Hoop” is a creative name that goes back to a fashion store that passionately embroiders modern and fashionable high-quality summer caps that you can wear elegantly to protect you from the direct sunlight and to be elegant in your embellishing look on every picnic you go!
All online stores and platforms face a lot of difficulties and challenges at the beginning of their journey, especially marketing-related ones. Indeed, the main challenge faced by “Asma Naim”, the owner of “Blue Hoop” is marketing in addition to being responsible for doing every process that is related to her work such as production, photographing, promoting, and so on.
Not to mention the second challenge that occurs due to the pandemic situation in which it has become so hard nowadays to find needed types of threads and caps to work on.
Thanks to one of the oldest crafts in the world which is embroidery, you can now shop Blue Hoop’s most modern yet fashionable caps at Souq Fann where real support for creativity and eco-friendly products can be found!
“Blue Hoop” Store“Blue Hoop” is a creative name th